Format and Rules

The 2024 Friday Night Golf League starts on Friday April 26th. 


The 2023 Friday Night Golf League consists of 24 players making 6 teams of 4 players.

There are 4 ranks (A, B, C, D) based on the averages from last year.

Each team has one of each rank.

Teams will be drafted by the A players.

After the regulation season is over there will be a 2 week single elimination tournament. All teams take part. The top 3 teams win payouts.


The league will run from the last Friday in April (26th) to the Friday of Labr Day weekend (September  1) 

The regular season will be 15 weeks with a 2 week playoff afterward. 

Week 1 of the playoff will be a single elimination. Week 2 will place the remaining 3 teams against each other.

The first 5 weeks of the season everyone will play a different opponent in their rank.

The middle 5 weeks A players will play the B players and C players will play D players.

The final 5 weeks will go back to playing your same rank.


 Dues will be $80 per person x 24 players= $1920. Distribution below.

Most pars/birds = $40 ($10 per winner)

Most points = $40 ($10 per winner)

Lowest Score = $40 ($10 per winner)

Team most points = $100 ($25 per player)

1st place in Tournament = $300 ($75 per player)

2nd place in Tournament = $200 ($50 per player)

3rd place in Tournament = $100 ($25 per player)

Greenys = $750 (divided into total league greenys)

Food/stat ties = $350 (Beer and food for end of year party)

Greeny payout:

The pot dedicated to the Greenys is divided into the number of greenys scored by the entire league. That will be paid out to everyone that got a greeny.  For example. $600 pot with 60 greenys for the entire league would mean a player would receive $10 for every greeny they made for the year. The more greenys made in total means the less paid out per greeny. Over the last 5 years the average total greenys is 59 for the entire league per year. 


1) At least half of the league (12 golfers) must be present for the week for stats to count. If a week is cancelled due to rain or absences there is no make up.

2) We play in inclement weather unless the course closes down. Show up either way and have a drink.

3) Handicaps are used for scoring. Handicap is calculated by taking 100% of the difference of the averages of the 2 players

  Example: Player A has a 50 average. Player B has a 48 average. 2 stroke difference = 2 stroke handicap.

4) The starting handicap is the average from last year. After your first round played that score will be removed from this years average calculation and your handicap will most likely change. 

    Example: Your average from last year is a 50. You have a great first round and score a 40. Your new average starting on your second week is 40 and will be calculated accordingly.

5) A player can earn 4 points maximum per week. Two points for the better score and two points for match play.

6) Points for score are based on the adjusted score from the handicap. The better (lower) score wins the points. A tie splits the points.

7) Points for match play are given to the player that wins the most holes. Two points goes to the golfer that wins the most holes. A tie splits the points. Handicaps are given by taking one stroke of the score per hole starting with the most difficult rated (#7) down to the least difficult (#9). We use the white tee handicap rating for all players.

8) If your opponent does not attend then you win 2 points for match play. The points for score will be awarded normally meaning the absent player may receive points if their average is not beaten or tied. 

9) If both players matched up against each other do not show or finish the round then no points are awarded.

10)  Greenies are won by landing your drive on the green on a par 3 (holes 3 and 9), being the closest to the pin on the drive in your rank, and scoring a par or better.

11) Rounds are played from the white tees for all players under 70 years of age. 70 and older have the option to play from the red tees. A player eligible for red may play the white tees if they choose but they must play the entire round from the white tees (no swapping back and forth)

12) You may "Lift clean and place" anywhere where the course has posted cart path only. Otherwise, you can roll the ball always on fairways but not in the rough.

13) If there are any rule questions while out on the course, consult your opponent for a fair ruling. If your opponent is absent then go to the others in your grouping. Bring it up to the A players afterward in the bar for future clarification.